Search Hints
The following are general rules for successfully querying the directory:
- Enter at least a first and last name, and avoid middle names if possible.
- First name goes first. (Albert Wilson is not the same as Wilson Albert).
- Omit salutations and suffixes (i.e., Mr, Mrs, Dr, Jr, Sr, III, etc.).
- Omit all punctuation except for the hyphen (-). (Albert Wilson-Lewis is acceptable).
- Avoid using nicknames. For example, use William instead of Bill, or Elizabeth instead of Liz.
- Unless stated otherwise, the asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard, but it doesn't always work the way you think.
To find Dr. Albert Eric Wilson, Jr., DMD, you would try entering one of the following:
- albert wilson
- albert e* wilson
- a* wilson
Search Keywords
The keywords below may be used as the first word in your query to provide a hint of the type of search you desire. Keywords may be abbreviated.
- cn
- personal name.
- department
- a department or organization name.
- displayname
- a LDAP display name (last, first mi).
- group
- an LDAP group name.
- an e-mail address
- netid
- a standard NetID.
- phone
- a 4, 5, 7 or 10-digit telephone number; the wildcard (*) character is not allowed. You must log in to use this keyword.
- surname
- a person last name
Examples of search keywords:
- netid ewilso8
- cn albert e* wilson
- mail
- phone 4-1619
- surname wilkinson
- group helpdesk